Everyone seems to be on the go, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether it is for work or their personal lives. It just seems that people dont know when to stop and switch off, though part of that comes down to today’s always connected culture. With everyone seemingly switched on all day everyday, it is little wonder that our eating habits and health can suffer as a result.

Erratic eating and sleeping patterns

The 24/7 lifestyle has led to erratic eating and sleeping patterns for many people – it is no coincidence that obesity continues to be a challenge for society. Much of it stems from how easy it is to access fast food and takeout. While convenience foods are OK as a one-off, when you are so busy you are grabbing one every workday because it seems easier, thats where the problems start to set in. Like with many things, if done to excess, frequently eating takeout can start to become problematic — primarily because it becomes a habit and a way of life rather than a treat! Try cutting down on takeout and see the impact it has not only your body, but your bank balance, too.

Work hard, eat late = Store fat

Late-night eating is another issue as people are forced to grab a meal in the late hours because they have been working all day. The issue here is that you are eating more calories than you’ll burn before you go to sleep. This is a recipe for fat storage. Plus it is not good for your digestive system, and may cause trouble sleeping. With so many people working jobs where they are on the go, day in a day out, it is little wonder that poor eating habits have proliferated as a result.

24/7 Lifestyle

The impact of a fast-paced lifestyle is not restricted to food and drink — it is also reflected in general health. Take a look at many people in the medical profession. Medical personnel work all hours to help others. They operate 24/7 virtual healthcare so that someone is available at all hours to help patients. But this is a stressful job and medical professionals’ diets – especially nurses! — are known for not being optimally nutritious.

burnout lifestyle and eating habits

Beating the trend

At all costs, try to avoid comfort eating. This refers to people who eat their emotions are eat reactively. There are many triggers for comfort eating (see the Dan DeFigio media page for many discussions on this), but by looking into your own habits and changing meals e.g. eat a large meal before work, there is no reason why the trend cant be reversed and you start to live a healthier lifestyle. Given the fast-paced nature of work today, and that consumers expect immediate service, demanding jobs are here to stay. Also, outside of work, people are becoming more connected than ever. Carving out some ‘me time’ every day, planning meals in advance and never going grocery shopping on an empty stomach are tactics that many people have implemented successfully to keep their healthy eating plan on track.

Help with emotional eating

If you need help with beating reactive (emotional) eating or stress eating, just drop me a note and we’ll set a time to talk. Help is here!

emotional eating help

Your friend and Coach,
