Nowadays, it seems everything we buy at the grocery contains an insane amount of sugar. Therefore it comes as no surprise that more and more people are forced to battle sugar addiction. It’s real, and it’s here. Magnified by stress-eating or other factors – it’s also hard to get rid of. It’s even harder without support. So, if someone close to you has this condition, here’s how to support a friend dealing with sugar addiction the right way:

Hide all the “sugary” things when they come to visit

The first rule of supporting one’s battle with addiction is – don’t do things that trigger their addictive behaviors. As you wouldn’t bring drugs under the nose of the friend struggling with narcotics addiction, don’t bring sugar to the friend battling this addiction. What is far from the eyes stays far from the heart, and sugar is a good example. So, try to be more sensitive with your friend. It’s not easy fighting sugar cravings. At least you can do is not offer them sugar in coffee, cake, or homemade cookies. Avoiding sugar for a couple of hours won’t do anything to you, but it will help your friend a lot.


Emotionally support a friend who’s dealing with sugar addiction

First of all, everyone needs to realize that sugar addiction has deep roots in a person’s emotional status. The so-called “comfort food” is actually an issue that hides deep within personal desires, aspirations, and feelings of failure. A lot of people use food as a support system in difficult times. Faced with stress, they start eating. Why do they do that? Whenever you eat food with a lot of carbs, your body releases dopamine and serotonin – the feel-good hormones of satisfaction.


So, when people are not satisfied and frustrated with their current status in life, they often start eating sugars excessively as a way to get the dopamine boost they need to feel satisfied. That’s why it’s crucial to be there for your friend. Laugh with them and help them reach the desired dopamine level in your way.

Don’t judge

The one people often forget is that sugar addiction is still an addiction. It’s not a joke, and it’s not something that people just imagine in their head. As we said, sugar addiction has deep roots in people’s emotions. And just like with any other addiction, you won’t help them by saying, “Just quit doing it; it’s not that hard”. Also, people dealing with this are often overweight due to excessive sugar eating, and their confidence and self-esteem are quite fragile. So, don’t put on a judgy face when they say they need a slice of cake. Be the rock they can lean on. Try to help them find their confidence instead of making them feel more insecure.

Help them find professional help

It’s often hard for people dealing with sugar addiction to admit to themselves that they need help, let alone say that to others. That’s where you step in. Make sure to be vocal about your concerns to them. But, also, make sure to help them understand that searching for help is not a weakness but a strength. Make them feel safe talking about their issues to you, and then suggest seeking professional help.

Hiring a professional as a way to support a friend who’s dealing with sugar addiction.

Find reliable and experienced professionals

Let’s be real – no matter how good you may be as an amateur therapist-on-demand to your closest friends and family, only professionals possess some skills and knowledge that can help your friend heal more quickly and easily. So, as experts from suggest, help your friend find an experienced and reliable expert to help them with their emotional struggles.

Educate your surroundings about sugar addiction

It’s often problematic for the persons battling addictions to talk about it. And the environment always wants some explanation. So, to save your friend from the embarrassment of having to explain their condition, make sure to educate your surroundings constantly. Speak loud and clear about it so everyone understands that it is a struggle that doesn’t need judgment from others. You can frame it in relation to multiple health-related topics. The more people understand it, the more they will support people dealing with it. And that is a support system all the addicts desperately need.

Plan ahead

When fighting any addiction, it’s essential to remember that relapses and returning to old habits is entirely possible. So, it’s crucial to create a plan for the future and consider relapse prevention deeply. Discuss with your friend what triggers the unwanted behavior and what you can do together to prevent that. Make sure to incorporate good and healthy foods into your diet. Show your friend how to enjoy low-sugar food and not see it as a punishment. This can help a lot in the long run.

What other things can you do to help?

A talk with a friendly face can do wonders when you’re at a low point in your life. So, be there for them when they need to talk to you. Of course, besides the casual conversation, you can be the one that leads to a specific topic. For example, it’s desirable if you talk about:


      24/7 lifestyle

      eating at night

      coping with overwhelming emotions

sugar cookies diabetes

Final thoughts

Sugar addiction is not just “having a sweet tooth”. There’s nothing sweet about it. It’s a health-threatening condition that needs close medical attention and friend support. So, make sure to support a friend dealing with sugar addiction and don’t judge them. Help them cope with their emotions and make them realize their worth. If you don’t know where to start – start by following the tips we’ve provided you with above. Be there for your friend and help them fight this. You can do it together!