How To Avoid Middle Aged Weight Gain

how to avoid middle aged weight gainGetting older is a part of life, and with the aging process come a lot of changes to your body. Unfortunately when a lot of women reach middle age, it becomes a lot harder to stay the same size and shape! This is due to a number of factors, primarily having less time to exercise and a slower metabolism while eating the same diet you used to. The right nutrition and a good exercise plan can help you avoid piling on the pounds!

Eat Right. And Less.

It sounds obvious, but a lot of people struggle when it comes to eating less total food. This is often due to fad diets which can often lead to restriction, relapse, and overboard comfort eating. How to avoid middle-aged weight gain: it’s vital to stick to a balanced, healthy diet. Eat enough protein, and limit your sugar intake. Keep your total calories less than what you used to eat, since your metabolism rate will naturally drop.

Leading a busy lifestyle, especially for those with a job and children to look after, means that it’s easy to ignore cooking healthy meals. There are easy, healthy choices, such as a lean stir fry, which take very little time and preparation. The benefits add up over time!

Put Exercise On Your Calendar

Going to the gym is another activity that many will avoid because they think they don’t have time. There are hundreds of exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home. In order to lose weight and stay in reasonable shape, there is no need to use gym equipment in your workouts. See the exercise section of Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies to create a routine you can complete in your living room or spare room. Work out every other day! Include a mix of rows, sit-ups, squats, planks, and other exercises you can perform well. Start with a few reps each and build up over time. If finding the motivation is hard, hire a personal trainer, or ask a friend who’s also looking to lose weight to join in. It’s always good to have a buddy to help keep you on track!

Take Up a Fitness Hobby

For those with a bit more free time and ambition, why not try a new sport? Swimming and jogging are safe options but for more excitement the likes of rollerblading or skateboarding could be right up your street. Before you laugh, many indoor skate parks will have group lessons for beginners and older riders (without having to try fancy tricks or dangerous jumps). Just visit Skate Hut for safety gear first; you’ll need it!