I want to lose weight!

“I want to lose weight!”

This is the #1 goal clients report to me.

And today I’m going to share a way to make losing weight easier!

But to do this, I have to ask you a tough question that you’ll probably have to ponder for a bit:

What is it about weight loss that you’re REALLY seeking?

If you lose weight, what will you get?

When I ask this question, people invariably tell me “I don’t know, I’ve never though about it like that before.”

Here are some likely answers to the “what will you get” question:

  • You’ll feel good about yourself, instead of embarrassed.
  • You’ll feel more energetic and “like yourself”, instead of exhausted and drained.
  • You’ll feel in control instead of feeling helpless against stress eating and binging.

So, I’ll bet that when you say “I want to lose weight”, what you REALLY want is one of the feelings above.

Losing weight is just a way get you to that feeling.

Advice for losing weight

So, my advice to make weight loss easier for you:

Instead of focusing on “losing weight”,
put your focus and intention on getting to that feeling.

If you can put yourself in that space, everything is easier.

Including making smart nutrition decisions that help you lose weight.

Stay focused on the end goal (your desired feelings) instead of the method (losing weight).

Enjoy the process!

We’re all in this together.

Your friend and Coach,

P.S.  Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways you can lose weight:
1. Lose a Pants Size In 2 Weeks with The Two Week Transformation.
2.  Try out the coaching group.
Jump into a motivated community of like-minded people to lose weight by building CONSISTENCY, led by Yours Truly. I’m there every day to give you everything you need to succeed — Meal plans, Tips and Motivation, Accountability, and Support. Let’s do this together! (You can try it out for $1)
3. Pick up Sugar Free Me.
This is my flagship online program to help you eat less sugar.