If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the stresses of life, chances are you’re struggling with weight loss too.
Jenny was.
She told me that all her adult life she’d felt like she could barely keep her head above water.
Jenny said “I’ve been reading your emails for years, but I’ve always felt like the timing of trying to lead a healthy lifestyle wasn’t good. I always have too much going on.”
If you’re anything like Jenny, when things feel stressful (which — let’s face it — is pretty much all the time), you’ve probably been putting off doing anything to try to lose weight.
But then you hit your tipping point.
Weight loss – Your tipping point
You get so sick of feeling fat, unattractive, embarrassed, unhealthy, and out of control.
When you can’t stand it anymore, you decide to finally do something about it.
So you do some internet probing, and find a diet that people say works for weight loss. And you start doing that.
Jenny did that too.
For years.
She repeated the same cycle over and over — long stretches of time held hostage to completely mindless and stress eating, then a stint of some kind of Super Diet.
Here’s the problem:
You’ve unconsciously taught yourself that when things are stressful (i.e. all the time), there’s nothing you can do.
When you hit your “I can’t stand it anymore!” point, then you try to do something drastic.
Are you familiar with the story of David and Goliath?
David was a small person who defeated a giant fearsome warrior with one perfectly-placed slingshot to the head.
When you go on diets, you’re trying to be David.
Weight loss is Goliath — a big scary monster that you’re trying to defeat with one shot.
But it doesn’t work that way, just like Jenny’s story tells.
It’s important that you understand this:
There isn’t One Big Thing that will kill your Goliath.
Permanent weight loss comes from improving what you usually do, not from making temporary, “major overhaul” changes.
- People who keep the weight off pick protein and vegetables most of the time. Sometimes there are treats, but most of the time it’s basic healthy food.
- People who keep the weight off plan their meals and snacks in advance, so they’re not at the mercy of whatever is lying around.
- People who keep the weight off stock their pantries and refrigerators with healthy food instead of junk food. This avoids temptation and prevents mindless eating.
- People who keep the weight off understand that what happens to them does not dictate their food choices. They eat what they eat, stressful times or not.
They understand that bad food doesn’t take away stress.
Weight loss – A happy ending
So this story has a happy ending:
Jenny decided to end the hopeless cycles, and she got into my coaching group.
In the first three weeks, Jenny has lost 4 pounds and one inch off her waist.
And here’s the best part — she told me:
“I finally feel like this is something do-able! I used to let myself get hungry and skip meals (Starvation for weight loss doesn’t work. My body is testament to that!)
I love that I don’t have to track foods or count calories. I love that!
Your menus use normal food, so it’s something I can see myself continuing and not burning out on.
I finally understand the Big Picture of healthy improvements. Little by little. Thank you for what you’re doing for us all, I am so happy with the progress I’m making!”
Jenny gets it.
She’s learning how to make her small wins add up.
Jenny isn’t trying to kill Goliath with one shot.
Her weight loss progress will continue.
She won’t burn out or give up, because making small changes is the only way to get sustainable weight loss.
I hope this concept sinks in, because I want you to succeed too!
(I’ve got a few new spots available in my coaching group, so if you want help actually DOING this, jump in!)
Your friend and coach,
Dan DeFigio