Better Nutrition From Real Food

Real food is something you could find growing, running, swimming, or flying somewhere on the planet. Something packaged in a plastic wrapper in a factory overseas that is loaded with preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors is not real food.

Whole, unprocessed food is higher in nutrients than processed items. And the bottom line for your health is that even though many of the chemicals and genetic modifications in industrially-produced food are “generally recognized as safe”, we don’t really know the long-term health ramifications of ingesting all these chemicals over the course of our lifetimes.

better nutrition through whole foodsBuy clean, organic food from local farmers whenever possible. It’s better nutrition for your body, it’s better for the farms, it’s better for the animals, and better for the planet.

As with most transformations, seeing big changes can take time. For a gradual transition to a healthier lifestyle, pick one change from the following list to make each week or two. Soon you’ll find that you’ve transitioned your eating from reactive sugar-grabbing to purposeful, healthy choices!