by guest author Cole Millen

eat healthy on vacationHow to Eat Healthy on Vacation

Vacations help us relax, unwind and make memories that last a lifetime. You’ve worked hard to earn your vacation, so make sure it isn’t ruined by the discomfort that can come from eating irregular meals and unhealthy foods during your time away from home.

Whether you fly, drive or take another form of transportation, always take healthy snacks along with you for the trip. Wholesome snacks such as raw almonds or dried fruit provide good nutrients and will help you avoid empty calories from airline snacks or junk food at rest stops along the way. Always bring along a refillable water bottle for each member of the family. This will help you stay well hydrated as well as save money at various attractions throughout your vacation.

While planning your vacation, put some thought into how you will keep yourself and your family eating healthy while away. Research your intended destination. When booking accommodations, look for a place that provides in-room refrigerators for guests and other amenities that meet your needs. This way you can keep healthy snacks in your room and avoid resorting to unhealthy offerings from vending machines or pizza delivery. Also, learn about the hotel restaurant and nearby eateries, and make sure your accommodations are near places to get good, wholesome food. I recently found a great site that made all of this difficult research easier than ever-called Gogobot. I was traveling to Vegas and as you can imagine was having a difficult time determining how I could maintain my healthy lifestyle while in this buffet ridden city. I went to the site and pulled up a list of reviews for Las Vegas hotels regarding not only their amenities and services but also the restaurants in the area surrounding. This made it easier than ever to eat nutritiously and deliciously in and out of the hotel.

When you arrive at your destination, stop and pick up some nutritious food at a local health market. Organic fresh fruit, healthful trail mix and other filling snacks can be kept in your room or brought along on outings.

Don’t skip breakfast, and don’t opt for sugary pastries either. If your accommodations offer a complimentary breakfast for guests, take advantage of this to make sure you get plenty of nutritious, energy-producing food to start your day. Just be sure to make good selections. Enjoy fresh fruit, whole-grain toast, oatmeal, sugar-free yogurt and a boiled egg or two. Getting good fuel at the beginning of each day will set a positive tone and healthy pace throughout your trip.

Consider your plans for each day. On vacation, you may wish to indulge in special treats or local delicacies. Go ahead and enjoy the occasional high-calorie meal or snack, and don’t feel guilty about it. This is your vacation, after all. Simply make sure that you also get some healthy food each day. Starting every day with that healthy breakfast will help. After that, if you want to indulge in a smothered burrito at a famous taqueria for lunch, do it. Then choose an apple instead of frozen custard for your afternoon snack. When you plan to enjoy a decadent, heavy meal in the evening, stick to lighter fare for lunch such as a healthy wrap with a side of baby carrots or fresh fruit.

It’s no fun to go on vacation and not eat out at the local restaurants, especially if you’re with friends or family. However, it’s important to make the experience as healthy as possible. Steer clear of buffets and all-you-can-eat places. Pick a restaurant with a varied menu so you have the greatest chance of finding nutritious and healthy meals. Furthermore, read through the menu items carefully. Avoid dishes containing the words breaded, buttered, slathered, drenched, loaded, coated, creamed, deep-fried, gooey or decadent. These adjectives often point to foods that are excessively high in calories and carbohydrates. Take care with your beverage as well. This is one high-calorie area that people often overlook while dieting.

You work hard to stay healthy at home, and with a little planning, you can easily navigate through vacation while maintaining proper nutrition as well. Enjoy your trip!